Initial Brainstorm
This is an initial mind map to determine what my organization would look like. I ended up creating the Blue Wave Foundation, dedicated to keeping our shores and beaches clean by organizing beach cleanups.
Once I came up with a foundation, I created a mood board. The pattern on the left of the mood board with the trash in the ocean is a block print that I did in high school. I eventually digitalized it so that I could use the pattern in other areas of my campaign.
Logo Process 
This was the first brainstorm for my logos. My initial idea was to have the words blue and wave separated and underlined by an illustration of a wave.
Here is my initial exploration of logos. I quickly realized my first idea wasn't as effective as I had hoped, so I shifted. I started with Arial Black and changed the shape of the lettering to make it more rounded and natural. I then worked with the W to make the end look like a wave. I also settled on using light blue as the primary color for my campaign.
Final Logo
This is one of the mockups that I did to see how my logo would look if used in a real situation. I used the pattern from my block print on the van as well.
Here is another mockup of my logo in its different forms for making buttons.
Style Sheet
For the next part of the project, I made a style guide to aid in crafting other media for our campaign. I chose this color palette as it represents the ocean and sky during a sunset, and that feeling is an effective way to represent the cause. After looking at many typefaces, I ended up circling back to Arial. It's simple yet strong.
Trifold Brochure 
In this part of the project, we made trifold brochures to promote our organization. I used the same pattern from my block print along with the colors from my style guide. I also used an original photo of the ocean and a beach. The goal of my brochure is to get people to come to a cleanup event.
Social Media and billboard
For this last part of the project, we created a series of social media mockups along with a billboard mockup. I used the same pattern from the block print along with type to promote cleanup events.
Final Submission 

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